- Has resolutely denied rumors of an extramarital affair with a state employee. 坚决否认他与某州政府职员有婚外恋的传闻。
- The new appropriations bill could mean a larger paycheck for state employees. 新的岁出预算案对国家雇员来说是一张更大的支票
- Shaheen is paid $246,000 a year, making him the fourth-highest-paid state employee, excluding those at universities. 夏新的薪酬为每年24.;6万美元,在北卡罗莱纳州雇员中排名第四。
- The former South Carolina State employee turned in his winning ticket from last week's Powerball yesterday. 这位前南卡罗莱纳州的公务员昨天上交了上周强力球的得奖彩票。
- The new governor of New York David Paterson says he had affairs with several women, including a state employee, admitting he and his wife had affairs when their marriage was in trouble. 纽约的新州长大卫·帕特森承认他曾与几个女子有染,其中还包括一名政府工作人员,这使他和妻子的婚姻一度面临危机。
- Applications are checked for potential obscenity,but with mixed success; most state employees are not multilingual. 车牌申请是受检查的,以防有潜在的猥亵之意,但也只是糊涂行事,因为大多数政府雇员只会一种语言。
- salariat; state employee; salaried person 工薪阶层
- State Employee Allocation Standard 国家职员分配标准
- They had been protesting - they say defending their independent mining jobs from those held by state employees. 曾声称为了保卫自己的独立的矿业工作而不被那些政府职员所占有而进行抗议。
- Alaska governor Frank Murkowski has temporarily stopped all hiring of new state employees. 美联社报道说阿拉斯加每天失去了600多万美元的石油税。
- State employees don white lab coats over their navy suits and lead mourners in bowing before the deceased three times before the cremation. 殡仪馆员工外面穿着白大褂,里面是深蓝色的西装,引导送丧的人做告别仪式。火葬以前,向死者三鞠躬。
- In 2005 a reform package in Britain raised the retirement age for new state employees, but still left existing employees able to retire at 60. 2005年英国的一项改革计划提高了新入职公职人员的退休年龄,但是仍然保留了现在雇员60岁退休的做法。
- After a nationwide drive to privatize housing, like other state employees, he had paid a small sum and bought his state-allocated flat in the 1990s. 在一次全国范围的推动住房私有化之后;像其他国家员工一样;他(已经)支付一小笔(钱)和在1990年代购买他的国家分配的住房.
- To conserve cash, the state has stopped public works projects, furloughed state employees for two days a month and postponed sending out tax refunds. 加利福尼亚是美国人口最多的州,世界经济排名第八位。今年,由于房地产业萎缩财政收入收到了巨大冲击,失业人口上升,消费水平急降。
- Jaff qualified for the Municipal Employees Health Insurance Program, offered by Connecticut to cover small-business owners as part of a plan for state employees. 这个保险项目是由康涅狄格州所提供,为小企业主提供保险保障,是州雇员方案的一部分。
- At one time or another, half of all state employees have been furloughed or have had their pay or hours cut.Workers earn most of their income moonlighting for private firms. 有时,一半的员工放假在家,工资和工时减半,工人们大多通过夜间在私营企业兼职获得大部分收入。
- The state's voluntary buyout program for state employees is not going as well as anticipated, Gov.Phil Bredesen said Monday, raising the specter of layoffs. 本报讯过去一年中,州长布莱德森面临着庞大的预算压力,州政府的赤字,让这位颇得民众好评的州长头痛不已,裁员成了州政府和州长的首选。
- Economically, the country is in a very healthy state. 从经济学的观点来说,国家处于很兴旺的状态之中。
- He went on the stump in his home state. 他到故乡所在的州去发表演说。
- He is reading a report of the state of the roads. 他正在看一篇关于道路状况的报告。